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Projects - Australia Wide
  2004 Department of Health & Ageing

"Consultant to Australian Department of Health & Ageing on the Capacity of Australian laboratories to respond to disease emergencies and the development of a stockpile of diagnostic kits"

The first part of this project required us to examinate Australia's diagnostory laboratory capacity to respond to emergency events. This involved locating PC3 and PC4 laboratories in Australia and analysing the capacity of PC2, PC3 and PC4 laboratories to diagnose tests if required; and investigate options for increasing Australia's diagnostic laboratory capacity.

The second part of this project required us to scope the development of a stockpile of diagnostic kits, including consideration of the most appropriate kits to be included in the stockpile, locations for storage and managing turnover of the stockpiles.

We visited Australia's main laboratories to collect information about current practices, capabilities, facilities and constraints. We also collected information on the types of tests routinely used, expertise and extendable capabilities.

By collaborating information collected during these interviews and drawing on knowledge of international practices, new technologies and techniques, we were able to advise our client on Australia's capacity and options for managing a stockpile of diagnostic kits.

DoHA Website


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