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Biocontainment The physical containment of microorganisms within a limited space, e.g. the laboratory, to prevent their spread to the community and the environment
Biosafety The principles, technologies and practices that are implemented to prevent the exposure of laboratory workers to microorganisms
Biosecurity Institutional and personal security measures designed to prevent the intentional loss, theft, misuse, diversion or intentional release of pathogens and toxins. Biosecurity is a component of biosafety
Bioterrorism The threatened or actual unlawful release of microbiological agents or toxins with the intent to intimidate or coerce a government or civilian population to further political or social objectives

BSL-3: Biosafety Level 3

A term prescribing practices, safety equipment, facility design and construction required for work with agents that must be handled at this level
BSL-4: Biosafety Level 4 A term prescribing practices, safety equipment, facility design and construction required for work with agents that must be handled at this level
PC2: Physical
Containment Level 2
Microbiological laboratories that are constructed to enable safe work with Risk Group 2 microorganisms. The majority of microbiological laboratories, e.g. diagnostic research, clinical and industrial, fall into this category.
PC3: Physical
Containment Level 3
Microbiological laboratories with an increased level of containment, designed for work with microorganisms that pose a serious risk of infection to humans or animals (Risk Group 3). This level of containment provides safeguards to minimise the risk of infection to individuals, the community and the environment.
PC4: Physical
Containment Level 4
Microbiological laboratories with the highest level of containment, designed for work with microorganisms of Risk Group 4 that pose a high individual risk of life-threatening disease and may be readily spread to the community. The design is to ensure safety of personnel, the community and the environment.

Biosecurity & Biocontainment
International Consultants Pty. Ltd
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